ACROSSER Technology, a world-leading vehicle PC supplier, announces the launch of its 35-mm-high fanless in-vehicle computer, AIV-HM76V1FL. This ultra-slim car computer, equipped with an Intel® Core™ i7-3517UE processor, enables unparalleled computing performance for vehicle applications.
Capable of BIOS modification, AIV-HM76V1FL provides significant flexibility for power management applications. For system integrators, the default power on/off value of the vehicle can be customized based on task requirements. For advanced in-vehicle infotainment service applications, Acrosser’s AIV-HM76V1FL includes two HDMI connectors for digital output, and one combo cable for analog output.
The two optional Mini PCIe modules are designed for wireless communication. If equipped with a 4G LTE module, this fanless on board computer makes an excellent solution for developed markets where high-speed telecommunication services are well-established and widely used. A versatile set of I/O features includes four COM ports, four USB slots, and 9-32V wide voltage compatibility. The design includes a SIM slot on the side of the device to enable easy SIM card installation without opening the case, alleviating the task load of your technical team.
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